Fahad Nazer


Fahad Nazer is a former non-resident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington as well as a political analyst with intelligence consultants JTG, Inc., where he focuses on political, social, and economic developments in Saudi Arabia. He also examines militant Islamist groups in the Arabian Peninsula, with a special focus on Saudi Arabia. Prior to this position, Nazer worked as a political analyst at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, DC. His publications have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, CNN, Foreign Policy, YaleGlobal Online, The National Interest, Al-Monitor, and The Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Challenge of the 21st Century (Columbia University Press, 2009).

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العلاقات السعودية المصرية عند مفترق طرق

ملخص تنفيذي المملكة العربية السعودية ومصر ركيزتان توأمان لتقريبًا أي جبهة سياسية وأمنية عربية موحدة وقابلة للحياة، وقد بدأتا مؤخرًا بالتوجه نحو تعزيز علاقات أوثق بينهما.